We are creating social media 3.0 with influencers, celebrities and creators being able to launch their own digital currency by simply creating a profile with media content posted as Non fungible Tokens that can be owned and traded on the Tknrs network
Creators can gain independence through a decentralised digital currency system that is dependent on growing and engaging with the community and also their star power. They own 10-15% of the total value of the tokens minted.
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Holding social tokens allows the individual to gain access to benefits including unreleased content, private communities, direct access to celebrity, early- access to tickets and more as well as the ability to trade with other communities in order to gain access to more creator content with early token buyers being the biggest winners as the value of the token increases with more buyers.
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We would only launch tokens with the express permission of the creators.
There are several thousand celebrities and creators on twitter,
tiktok, Instagram and YouTube with followings in the millions who we
would be actively engaging before we go viral.
We would get them on our platform and they would see the opportunity
to create a fan driven digital economy where their digital content can
be traded as NFTs and their most loyal fans can have the monetary
value of their creator's currency increase significantly as they
promote their digital currency across their channels while our native
token holders benefit from the Weentar popularity.
Cryptocurrency adoption is at less than 1% of the global world population with some countries and entities actively fighting against its mass adoption and the smartest developers and nerds holding the fort.
Bitcoin was the first, and it has since grown to thousands of tokens launched all aiming to fix one problem or the other with some quite simply FOMOing the moment. Our goal is to bring mass adoption to the cryptocurrency space by dumbing it down. How far down? So down that even a celebrity can explain it in simple words to their followers and have them download an app, buy into the social currency of their favourite person and watch their investment as is with other crypto currency project.
Read More ->0/04/2021 - 16/04/2021
1 BNB = 100000 WNTR
Soft cap: 5000 BNB
Hard cap: 10000 BNB
First Connect your Metamask or TrustWallet to the "Connect Wallet" on the Homepage.
Then send minimum of 0.1 BNB or maximum of 10 BNB to the Presale wallet
Then after you will received your $WNTR to your address within 24hours.